

Being aware of the influence on the surroundings the company cares for proper relations with local government and citizens. These relations are based on partnership in business, keeping the rules of law and transparency of actions. PG SILESIA supports local initiatives to improve the quality of life of local residents by participating in the cost of rebuilding the access road.

Implementation of CSR strategy is directly connected with sponsoring activities. PG SILESIA creates, in an active way, the image of Company by supporting NGOs and local community. We emphasize mostly supporting local people, development of infrastructure and donations on institutions connected with supporting people in need.

Implementation of pro-social programs and active participation of PG SILESIA in sponsoring, allowed us to establish cooperation, for example, with Polish Red Cross located in Bielsko-Biała. PG SILESIA funded a phantom for professional and effective first aid’s training.

In addition to sponsoring activities, we also support charity work. Our Company supports education and care centres. Proteges of Child and Family Support Centre from Czechowice-Dziedzice receive food vouchers funded by some Directors of PG SILESIA. Last winter we also provided over ten tons of coal to Foundation ”S.O.S. dla zwierząt” – thereby we support a number of shelters for stray pets within the district.

PG SILESIA actively takes part in cultural events. We sponsor and co-organize series of entertainment, educational and sport’s events for local community. We have already co-organized, for example, celebration of Czechowice-Dziedzice’s Day, we have financially supported organizers of Goczałkowice’s Day. We also cooperate with Teachers College in Bielsko-Biała, which thanks to our support, organized series of meetings connected with modern Czech culture.

Sponsoring activities are also connected with financial support and co-organizing industry events but also promotion of knowledge, especially in area of Company’s activity. In this field we cooperate with number of partners, for example with Czech-Polish Chamber of Commerce, which thanks to our support, organized XVIII Business Meeting in Ostrava. We also cooperate with one of the biggest media group in Poland, PTWP and 'Nowy Przemysł' which have organized international conference ”Mining 2012”.